Waterways Engineering Station Elastic Layer Analysis Pavement Suite.Īn Excel Tool developed by Dr.
This is a PC version of the Fortran program of the Chevron Elastic Layer Analysis program. The copy posted here is the one available on the NHI course 131064 CD (FHWA, April 2002). Download Example on 5-layer analysis using Kenpave: Description of the problem, Input.dat files and (Note: file 1 for q=85 psi, and file 2 for q=120 psi) Output text files and (Kenpave output files) Analysis and Plots This is a demo version of the software, which is under development for the AASHTO 2002 design guide. It is provided on a CD with the textbook (2003 edition).
Software Pavement Design/Analysis Software Important Note: The following programs can be downloaded and be used by students in CE475 or CE575 for educational purposes only.: This suite includes KENLAYER and KENSLAB. Municipal Pavement Design with StreetPave Software.
For state-of-the-art pavement design AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design is the next generation of pavement design software, which builds upon the National Cooperative. CE CALC - Pavement: Stand alone software version of the pavement design portion of the CECALC website. Download Free Pavement Design Software - best software for Windows.